Read it before you publish app to App Store

3 min

May 8, 2024

AppStore gives initial boost to new application

It is great opportunity for both algorithm and us. Why they do it?

When new app comes to store it would be almost impossible to compete with apps which has stronger positions on keywords. So store ranks app for different keywords to see how convert(people download), it looks to retention and time which people spend in your app. it is great time to gather enough downloads to survive after algorithm stops boosting us.

It is important to take all advantage on this first week. And if you planned any marketing - it is perfect time to market your app, it will not be bad.

Optimize your title, subtitle, icon, screenshots and keywords before you launch. Your ASO should be ready even before you start writing firs line of code. We will look at this theory on next articles.

Here are some examples from my app's which took opportunity from launch (had optimized metadata) and app which had changes on metadata(mainly visual as icon and screenshots) after some time of launch.

We can see good flow of impressions which convert to good conversion rate. It means we are bringing right traffic.

Pay attention that CR is calculated as median from macOS and iOS(if you have both platform as i am)

In my case iOS converts way more better, there is no almost conversion from desktop. Or there is not right traffic coming, or we should rebuild first screenshot of app. For macOS first screenshots are most important.

And let's take a look at app which did not take good opportunity. It is already in very saturated and competitive niche, with small amount of initial downloads. It has small chances, or we should bring traffic outside of store. Like Ads. We can research keywords, but it will be very difficult to find right keywords with traffic.

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